Our Court Battle to Save Sororities
Independent Women’s Law Center brought the landmark challenge against the forced inclusion of males in Kappa Kappa Gamma.
About IWLC
At Independent Women’s Law Center (IWLC), we understand that sex matters. While women and men are legally equal in America, we know that women and men are not (and never will be) interchangeable or the same.
We believe that our laws and our public policies shouldn’t gloss over important physical differences between women and men.
We believe that policies that limit individual freedom are often particularly harmful to women.
We believe that women (and men!) benefit from workplace flexibility.
We believe that parents have a right to direct their children’s education and that public schools should be responsive to the parents and taxpayers they serve.
And we believe in fighting for these principles—in the courts, before administrative agencies and legislative bodies, and in the court of public opinion.
IWLC Experts

is the director of Independent Women’s Law Center. She is a former White House counselor with broad expertise in immigration law, healthcare law, trade policy, federalism, and the separation of powers.

is a senior policy and legal analyst and the host of High Noon, a podcast featuring conversations that make free society possible. She is an expert on education policy and sex equality.

is the Senior Legal Advisor of Independent Women’s Law Center. Prior to joining IWLC, Beth was a trial litigator in New York State for over 30 years.

is an IWLC Senior Fellow. She is a former Attorney-Adviser with the Office of Legal Counsel within the Department of Justice and Assistant General Counsel with the Office of General Counsel for the U.S. House of Representatives, with broad experience in constitutional and administrative law and separation of powers issues.

is the founder of Independent Women’s Law Center. She is a former member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) with expertise on sex equality, Title IX, the Equal Protection Clause, employment law, and the Electoral College.

is a visiting fellow with IWLC and serves as Special Counsel to Attorney General Jason Miyares, where she prosecutes major crimes cases.

Krysia is a J.D. graduate from Fordham University School of Law where she specialized in cyber crime and intellectual property law. At FNC, she contributed to the reporting at the Northeast Bureau of court cases which included El Chapo, Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein.

Protect Women’s Sports
Download the Second Edition of IWLC’s Competition report for an update on the science and the rapidly changing legal landscape of women’s sports.
Legal Briefs

The U.S. Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary
Get up to speed on the Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary with the resources from Independent Women’s Law Center.
IWLC Legal Policy
Sex Equality
In the United States, women and men are legally equal. But we are not the same, and the law must acknowledge that.
Learn MoreWomen’s Sports
We must protect women’s athletic opportunities and the existence of single-sex sport.
Learn MoreDue Process
College disciplinary systems should be even-handed and fair. They shouldn’t stack the deck against the accused.
Learn MoreFirst Amendment
Our First Amendment freedoms are part of what makes America a truly exceptional nation.
Learn MoreThe Wage Gap
Raw statistical disparities don’t mean what you think they do.
Learn MoreSexual Assault
Sexual Assault it a crime. It should be treated as such.
Learn MoreThe Supreme Court
Our nation’s highest court is not a super-legislature.
Learn MoreJudicial Nominations
A truly independent judiciary is the cornerstone of American democracy.
Learn MoreVoting Rights
Voting should be easy, accessible, and secure.
Learn MoreRanked Choice Voting
We must reject electoral schemes that make voting more complicated and less transparent.
Learn MoreThe Electoral College
Our system for electing the president reduces the chances of contested elections and makes us truly a nation of united states.
Learn MoreOur Structural Constitution
Federalism and the Separation of Powers are critical to the preservation of liberty.
Learn MoreJunk Science
Juries should only hear evidence of causation that is based sound scientific method.
Learn MoreLitigation Reform
Our court system is for resolving particular cases and controversies, not for determining important matters of policy.
Learn MoreNuisance Laws
Public nuisance laws should not be used to regulate the sale and distribution of legal products.
Learn More
Critical Race Theory or E Pluribus Unum?
Critical Race Theory disseminates division and despair. It’s time to rededicate ourselves to the principle of E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One.